The Gamma Nu chapter (#85) at Florida State University was installed May 14, 1955 with District IX Governor Richard Feasel serving as the installing officer. The Alpha Xi chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Gamma Nu chapter include: William Hardin; Richard Mayo; Norman Watson; Don Westbrook; Franklin Fansler; Roy McCance, Jr.; William Catledge, III; Peter Swain; Johnny Creel; Wilton Turner; Jon Gilbert; Patrick Stewart; James Glass; Robert Bethea, Jr.; Calvin Hasbrouck; Wayne Lewis; Sidney Wilck; Robert Raulerson; James Rogers; William Pharris; Robert McMillan, Jr.; Robert Wright, Jr.; Aubrey Odom; Manley Whitcomb; Robert Braunagel; Frank Melvin; Paul Ort; Harry Schmidt; Frank Valdes; and Howell Winfree, Jr.