The Epsilon Omega chapter (#144) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was installed February 14, 1971 with Grand Secretary / Treasurer Melbern Nixon, Executive Secretary Robert Rubin, & Lee Mendyk serving as the installing officers. The Gamma Delta chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Epsilon Omega chapter include: Boyd Bacon; Neil Baker; Wayne Brinkman; Duane DeVries; Gregg Dress; Steven Erickson; Steve Forbes; Albert Fuller; William Fuller; Keith Heckman; Kenneth Hermsen; Jim Halva; Eric Hornbacher; Robert Jenkins; Jerrill Johnson; Jeffrey Klintberg; James Lefler; enneth Lienemann; Daniel Lynn; James Mattke; Rex Matzke; Richard Moore; Lonnie Pomajzl; Thomas Reeser; Gerald Roberts; Daniel Schmidt; Theron Sears; Paul Shuster, Jr.; Thomas Simpson, Jr.; Daryl Stehlik; Dennis Wlliams; and Donald Lentz.