The Lambda Kappa chapter (#274) at the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith was installed February 21, 2005 with National Executive Director Alan Bonner serving as the installing officer. The Delta Delta chapter served as the advising chapter, and past SWD Governor Steve Nelson served as the advising person.
Charter members of the Lambda Kappa chapter include: Kathy Brewer; Drena Patterson; Cassandra Murphy; Brandon Stillwell; Evan Mino; Richard Gunselman, II; Charles Booker, Jr.; Don Bailey; and Jack Jackson, II.
Category: Timeline Stories
All timeline stories.
Theta Delta chapter re-installed at Central State University
The Theta Delta chapter (#196) at Central State University was re-installed February 12, 2005 with National Vice President for Student Affairs Derrick Mills serving as the installing officer and the colony’s advising person. The Zeta Lambda and Alpha Delta chapters served as the colony’s advising chapters, with the Alpha Delta chapter performing the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Theta Delta chapter include: Timothy Barker*; Mario Blount*; Terance Bonner*; Benton Boyd*; Aldin Chapman, II*; LaVance Davis*; Caliph Ferguson*; Virgil Goodwine*; Branndon Houpe*; Lawrence Laws*; Gemyale Pullins*; Steven Reeves; Raymond Smith*; George White*; Clarence Williams, Jr*.; Timothy Williams*; Robert Maddox; Jason Shelton; and Eddie Perry.
*Later expelled
Lambda Iota chapter installed at Tiffin University
The Lambda Iota chapter (#273) at Tiffin University was installed December 5, 2004 with National President Michael Osborn serving as the installing officer. Jason Morris (Iota Lambda) served as the advising person, and the Beta Rho chapter from the University of Toledo served as the advising chapter.
Charter members of the Lambda Iota chapter include: Joe Charleston, Cortney Feehan, Tabitha Keim, Laurie Phillips, Wendy Rupert, Christian Secrist, Jillian Wasserman, and Michelle Hammock.
Lambda Theta chapter installed at Coastal Carolina University
The Lambda Theta chapter (#272) at Coastal Carolina University was installed November 2, 2004 with Past National President and Board of Trustees members Ken Corbett serving as the installing officer. Brother Corbett also served as the colony’s advising person, and the Zeta Chi chapter the University of South Carolina served as the advising chapter.
Charter members of the Lambda Theta chapter include: Brandon Akers; Jennifer Bailey; Shelly Borgert; Shakira Brockington; David Graham; Craig Harris; Mary Kee; Aarian Land, Jr.; Amber Kershaw; Jaclyn Pigate; Victoria Rexrode; Rosie Rodriguez; Jodie Rowe; Betty Turner; Carson Turner; Mike Wallace; James Tully; and Kurry Seymour.
Lambda Eta chapter installed at the University of West Georgia
The Lambda Eta chapter (#271) at the University of West Georgia was installed June 14, 2004 with National President Michael Osborn serving as the installing officer. Andrea Albertson served as the advising person, and the Iota Theta & Pi chapters served as advising chapters.
Charter members of the Lambda Eta chapter include: Ryan Barber; Christopher Barmore; Matthew Bass; Brian Broadwater; John Fuller; James Hodges; Dennis Holloway Jr.; James Johnson; Jason Kennedy; Kendall Lawson; Frank McClung; Christopher Sink; Ross Williams; Douglas Overmier; Kevin Hibbard; and Joseph Cooney.
Lambda Zeta chapter installed at Fort Valley State University
The Lambda Zeta chapter (#270) at Fort Valley State University was installed December 7, 2003 with SED Governor Chris Haughee serving as the installing officer. The Kappa Mu chapter from the University of Georgia served as the advising chapter, and Melanie Muldrow served as the colony’s advising person.
Charter members of the Lambda Zeta chapter include: Marcus Chester; Brian Jones; James Smith; Willie Marshall, Jr.; William Spells, III; Willie Hollins, Jr.; Leonard Giles; and Albert Wiggins, III.
Lambda Epsilon chapter installed at Ouachita Baptist University
The Lambda Epsilon chapter (#269) at Ouachita Baptist University was installed October 26, 2003. Jerry Rye and Danny George served as advising persons for the colony, and the Epsilon Theta and Theta Phi chapters served as advising chapters.
Charter members of the Lambda Epsilon chapter include: Grant Meacham, Kevin Pierce, James Reed, Robert Hesse, and Craig Hamilton.
42nd Biennial Convention Held
The 42nd Biennial Convention of Kappa Kappa Psi was held at the Waterside Marriott in Norfolk, VA. The following members were elected to the National Council & Board of Trustees and served until July 30, 2005:
National President: Michael K. Osborn (Zeta Epsilon)
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership: Dr. Rod Chesnutt (Gamma Nu)
National Vice President for Programs: Michelle Kincheloe (Alpha Iota)
National Vice President for Student Affairs: Derrick A. Mills (Eta)
National Vice President for Professional Relations: William V. Johnson (Iota Pi)
BOT Chair: Scott Stowell (Alpha Eta)
BOT Vice Chair: Dr. Michael R. Golemo (Zeta Omicron / Iota Omega)
BOT Member: Kenneth M. Corbett (Zeta Chi)
BOT Member: Andy Mullin (Epsilon Nu)
BOT Member: Al Sergel (Gamma Nu)
Immediate Past National President: Kirk C. Randazzo (Zeta Chi)
Lambda Delta chapter installed at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
The Lambda Delta chapter (#268) at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania was installed on July 11, 2003 with National Vice President for Student Affairs Anthony Roscoe serving as the installing officer. Vice President Roscoe also served as the colony’s advising person, and the Omicron chapter from West Virginia University served as the advising chapter.
Charter members of the Lambda Delta chapter include: Robert Ardner, III; Lisa Beisel; Brandi Bobb; Kathryn Boehne; Kristin Deissler; Jobi Campbell; Ashley Carraher; Erica Horting; Kevin Deissler; Shanna Drahovsky; Christopher Eckert; Janice Elder; Ryan Fredericks; Marlaina Freeman; Jennifer Gaffney; Lisa Gayman; Emily Graybill; Carmen Gross; Nikole Henry; Lisa Hawbaker; Caitlin Heaney; Kimberly Heinold; John Horting; Matthew Hughes; Maria Kretz; Kelly McGettigan; Kevin McGuire; Rachael Meixell; John Mercer; Rosemary Merkel; Gregory Oaster; Adam Osiol; Tenaya Ramey; Stacey Shipp; Steven Thomas; Kari Weaver; Kourtney Willis; Angela Zimmerman; Christopher Nish; Bill Dean; and Trever Famulare.
Eta Psi chapter re-installed at Delaware State University
The Eta Psi chapter (#191) at Delaware State University was re-installed June 13, 2003. Past National President and Board of Trustees Member Melvin Miles served as the colony’s advising person. The Iota Pi chapter served as the colony’s advising chapter and performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Eta Psi chapter include: Chevis Anderson, Stradivari Baynard, Eumir Brown, Ricky English, Orlando Glasby, Jahi Robinson, James Smith, Al Weal, Alfred Davis, Lonnie Elias, and Tory Smart.