The Beta Nu chapter (#61) at VanderCook School of Music was installed December 9, 1949 at the National Band Conductors Convention in Chicago, IL. William Revelli, Grand 1st Vice President Hugh Mcmillen, Grand Secretary/Treasurer Donald I. Moore, and Executive Secretary A. Frank Martin served as the installing officers. Charter members of the Beta Nu chapter include: Robert Traetz; Charles Hayes; John Kenny, Jr.; Dwight Miller; Ray Ursprung; George Borich; Carl Curio; Richard Davis; Charles Esmoer; Louis Forte; Gregory Gorski; Frank Jacobs; August Johnson; Oscar Hoeckelman; Jordan Knutson; Melvin Meads; Rocco Menza; Royal Reimer; Dale Rush; Fred Szak; Bernard Tafoya; George Zafros; Victor Zajec; and Richard Brittain.