The Beta Tau chapter (#67) at the Municipal University of Wichita was installed January 19, 1950 with Past National President Bohumil Makovsky and Executive Secretary A. Frank Martin serving as the installing officers. The Ritual and installation ceremony were performed by members of the Alpha, Beta Iota, and Kappa chapters. Charter members of the Beta Tau chapter include: Harold Hillyer; C.W. Mc Leland, Jr.; Gary Fletcher; Norman Lanning; James Criswell; Morton Cuplin; E. Paul Dunn, Jr; John Hensley; Oran Highley; Roy Hurst; William Lister; Joseph Longorio, Jr; Gordon Moonl; Jack Robertson; Charles Snyder; James Starkey; Kenneth Swanson; Robert Thompson; Herbert Turrentine; Robert Wolff; Robert Zilliox; James Kerr; Walter Duerksen; Eugene Jones; Alfred Mitchske; and Charles Minelli.