The Delta Delta chapter (#100) at Arkansas Polytechnic College was installed March 14, 1958 at the District VI convention with District VI Governor James Jacobsen serving as the installing officer. The 1st Degree of the Ritual was performed by the Alpha chapter, 2nd Degree of the Ritual was performed by the Beta Alpha chapter, and 3rd Degree of the Ritual was performed by the Lambda chapter. Charter members of the Delta Delta chapter include: O. Gene Witherspoon; Eugene Prohl; Ben Wright; Austin Lovell; Charles Wesley; Jerry Adcock; Bill Bergen; Gail Campbell; Loren Clough; Leonard Cowan; Milton Crawford; Louis Crook; James Fields; Ronald Garner; Perry Hope; John Jennings; William Kolb; James Pierce, III; John Sinclair; Bobby Small; Chester Woodruff; Robert Wright; and George Zeigler.