The Gamma Chi chapter (#94) at Mississippi Southern College was installed May 17, 1957 with L. Bruce Jones serving as the installing officer. The Beta Gamma chapter from LSU performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Gamma Chi chapter include: James Brewer; James Crawford; Robert Dowdy; Jerry Gee; Charles Harvison; Fred Hogue, II; Harry Hooker, Sr.; Homer Ivy; Emmett Jackson; Cecil Johnston; Lawrence Keating; Byron Lunceford; Marvin McDonald; James McIntyre; James Mullen, Jr.; Homer O’Neil; Bobby Patterson; Henry Pope; Brian Preen; Thomas Ricks, Jr.; William Ritchie; James Bradley; James Smith; Edward Stephens; John Walker; Robert Ware; Roger Weill; James Wellman; Herbert Wilson; and Raymond Mannoni.