The Kappa Beta chapter (#242) at Clemson University was installed October 30, 1994 with Past National President Ken Corbett & National Vice President for Professional Relations Herschel Beazley serving as installing officers. Brother Corbett also served as the advising person for the colony, and the Zeta Chi chapter served as the advising chapter.
Charter members of the Kappa Beta chapter include: Corey Amaker, Kristen Avolio, Claire Compton, Alyson Craft, Stephen Crowell, Bryant Evans, Elizabeth Fogel, Angela Giles, Daniel Goldrick, Richard Goodstein, Scott Hendrickson, Aaron Hobbs, Jerome Jackson, Diana Langseth, Kimberly McDade, Kathryn McDowell, Christopher Sloan, Caroline Tyler, Mary Weinberger, Jonathan White, and Joshua Wyatt.