The Mu Phi chapter (#309) of Kappa Kappa Psi at Fullerton College in Fullerton, California was installed at 10:30 AM, October 3,2010 with Dr. Rod Chesnutt serving as installing officer. The Psi chapter served as the advising chapter and James Llamas was the colony advisor. Approximately 60 guests attended representing the Psi, Lambda Alpha, Iota Alpha, Epsilon Lambda, Gamma Kappa, Beta Omicron, Omega, Gamma chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Epsilon Kappa, Alpha Chi and Zeta XI chapters of Tau Beta Sigma. Charter members include: Sarah Navarrette, Manuel Gonzalez, Eduardo Agredano, Albert Mabeza, Ericka Cuevas, Austin Pauline, Niccee Bosdell, Marina Pueblos, Sho Fujieda, Steven Hanst, Jason Trimble, Paco Agredano, Michael Gonzalez, Jose Cruz, Cody Kleinhans, and Anthony Mazzaferro.