The Zeta Omicron chapter (#159) at The University of Akron was installed May 27, 1973 with Grand Secretary/ Treasurer Donald Stanley serving as the installing officer. The Beta Kappa chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Zeta Omicron chapter include: David Allen; Robert Anders; Edward Arrington, II; Harry Bates; Eugene Bonos; David Branden; Bruce Burianek; Ray Claus; Gary Collier; Gregory Dobbins; Jim Blackburn; Stanley Foltz; John Givens; Thomas Hedington; Michael Higgins; Jeffrey Hurd; Kenneth LeeGrand; Leon Lipari; Thomas Mastersx; James Nabors, II; Richard Neidert; Kenneth Pond; Jeffrey Schenz; William Schneider; Frederick Shepperd; David Six; Thomas Stevenson; Karl Tittl; James Weyrick; and Dennis Geisinger.