Mu Beta chapter installed at Florida Atlantic University

The Mu Beta chapter (#290) at Florida Atlantic University was installed June 9, 2007 with National President Dr. Rod Chesnutt serving as the installing officer. The Eta Sigma chapter served as the advising chapter, and both National Vice President for Professional Relations Dr. Rick Greenwood and National President Dr. Rod Chesnutt served as advising persons. This marked the 15th installation of the 2005-07 biennium.

Charter members of the Mu Beta chapter include: Zachary Catanzaro, Jay Grumet, Tracie O’Bryon, Christopher Hand, Wendy Setzer, Rebecca Teed, Steven Wiley, Bryan Murphy, Milton Pinto, Brian Rodriguez, Kevin Seely, Adam Wachtel, and Justin Wildner.

Mu Alpha chapter installed at McKendree College

The Mu Alpha chapter (#289) at McKendree College was installed on May 6, 2007 with National Vice President for Colonization & Membership Dr. Malinda Matney serving as the installing officer. The Eta chapter from The Ohio State University served as the advising chapter, and NCD Governor Rod Whiteman served as the advising person.

Charter members of the Mu Alpha chapter include: Jayme Blandford, James Campbell, David Catlin, Jared Evans, Rebecca Greiman, Amanda Farrell, Nathan Harris, Brian Kloppenburg, Scott Nolda, Jonathan Rose, Ashley Walker, and David Boggs.

Lambda Omega chapter installed at Northwestern Oklahoma State University

The Lambda Omega chapter (#288) at Northwestern Oklahoma State University (#288) was installed on April 28, 2007 with National Vice President of Student Affairs Adam Cantley serving as the installing officer. Vice President Cantley also served as the advising person for the colony, and the Alpha chapter served as the advising chapter. This was the 13th installation of the 2005-07 biennium.

In attendance at the installation: Adam Cantley, National VP for Student Affairs KKPsi; Dr. Kathryn Lindberg Life member from Beta and Alpha Eta; Phil Rubin, National Chapter Field Representative, Life Member Kappa Mu; Randy Kitchens, Past TBS SWD President and KKPsi Honorary; Active Members from Alpha: Austin Ambrose, Amanda Godwin, Caitlin Miller, Dennison Helm, Leah Roper, Blake Forcina, Brent Linihan, Wade Beard, Joe Panzer, Amanda Scholes, Duain Cook, Jon Brown, Alisha Shutler, Olivia McCoy, Stephen Gaither, Daniel Briscoe, Ryan Oliver, Clinton Wieden, Leslie McClure, Matt Stricklin, Holly Tetreault, and Patrick Engle; Active Membership from Alpha Rho: Betsy Mortola, Monique Shannon, Artric Shelton Jr., Jacob Hair, and Bradley McKone; Active Members from Epsilon Epsilon: Steven Conner, Barrett Hamm, Braden Boiley, Shanna Horton, and Aaron Daniels; Active Members from Epsilon Zeta: Kristina Luna and Rachel Daniels.

Also, in attendance was Dennis Kerr, 1977 Alumnus of the Beta Tau Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and past district officer, who pinned his son Cory as he became a member of Kappa Kappa Psi. Cory’s mother Ellen Kerr an Alumna of the Alpha Mu chapter of TBS at Wichita State was also present for the installation.

Lambda Psi chapter installed at San Jose State University

The Lambda Psi chapter (#287) at San Jose State University was installed March 23, 2007 with Past National President Robert Fleming serving as the installing officer. The Iota Pi chapter served as the advising chapter, and RJ Victoria served as the advising person.

Charter members of the Lambda Psi chapter include: Shalina Bottorff; Jennifer Fitch; Eduardo Higareda; Kerry Laird; Kristopher Lininger; Christopher Muench; Robert Norris; Jose Ocampo; Marie Pink; Amanda Vargas; Paul Olivo; Scott Pierson; Edward Harris; William Scroggs, Jr.; and Susan Scroggs.

Xi chapter re-installed at Colorado School of Mines

The Xi chapter (#14) at Colorado School of Mines (#14) was re-installed January 6, 2007 with National Vice President for Colonization & Membership Dr. Malinda Matney serving as the installing officer. Xi was the eleventh Kappa Kappa Psi chapter to be installed in the 2005-2007 Biennium.
The Alpha Theta Chapter of the University of Northern Colorado served as the advising chapter, and former National Vice President for Programs Michelle Kincheloe served as the Advising Person.

Attending the installation were Brothers of Alpha Theta, Alpha, Beta, Alpha Iota, and Beta Sigma, and Sisters from Tau. Midwest District President Emily Rogers represented the district council, and Tau Beta Sigma Midwest District Counselor Wendy McCann and her husband, John, attended the celebration.

Charter members of the Xi chapter include: Sarah Elise Casias, Jennifer L. Eller, Kelli S. Huls, Paul Arnold G. Porto, F. Chase Ruff, Nicole M. Shafer, Michael Steven Shoup, Bryce Alan Swinford, Dr. Robert Klimek, Ronald Bland, W. Garrett Eller, and Stephen Weidner.

Lambda Chi chapter installed at Quincy University

The Lambda Chi chapter (#286) at Quincy University was installed December 9, 2006 with National Vice President for Programs Derrick Mills serving as the installing officer. Lauren Hecht (Kappa Chi) served as the advising person, and the Gamma Pi chapter at Purdue University served as the advising chapter. This was the tenth installation of the 2005-07 biennium.

The installation was also attended by NCD VPCM Briana Stahr, NCD Governor Rod Whiteman, and Brothers from the Kappa Nu chapter. Alumni attending included members from the Nu, Alpha Beta, Gamma Pi, Kappa Chi, chapters and Tau Beta Sigma’s Beta Sigma chapter (including Kelly Eidson, NAA Director). In addition, the Quincy University President (Dr. Margaret M. Feldner, OSF) and members of other campus greek organizations and the student senate were present.

Charter members of the Lambda Chi chapter include: Karilyn Lipcamon, Erik Bateman, Derek Hauk, Kari Glas, Elizabeth Newton, Kathryn Heisel, Ryan Kirby, Yazmin Pulido, Jennifer Campbell, Dan Nelson, Christine Beason, Louis Margaglione, and Steve Parke.

Lambda Phi chapter installed at Kean University

The Lambda Phi chapter (#285) at Kean University was installed December 2, 2006 with National President Rod Chesnutt serving as the installing officer. Beth & Greg Mikolajczyk served as the advising persons, and the Kappa Gamma chapter from Lehigh University served as the advising chapter.

Charter members of the Lambda Phi chapter include: Robin Brumbaugh, Phillip Castillo, Jenna Cipolla, Michael Conway, and Thomas Connors.

Lambda Tau chapter installed at Central Michigan University

The Lambda Tau chapter (#283) at Central Michigan University was installed on November 5, 2006 with Immediate Past National President Michael Osborn serving as the installing officer. Brother Osborn also served as the colony’s advising person, and the Kappa Chi chapter at Albion College served as the advising chapter. Lambda Tau was the seventh Kappa Kappa Psi chapter to be installed in the 2005-2007 Biennium.

The installation was also attended by North Central District Vice President for Programs Diana Cox; Brothers from Nu, Alpha Beta, Gamma Pi, and Zeta Epsilon; the Central Michigan University chapters of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Sigma Alpha Iota, and Delta Omicron; and the Chair of the School of Music Dr. Randi L’Hommedieu. Faculty and staff of CMU attending the installation included alumni Brothers from Delta, Epsilon Phi, and Iota Theta.

Charter members of the Lambda Tau chapter include: Nicholas Anderson, Melissa Andres, Christine Bobick, Joel Deaner, Carrie Doll, Steven Ford, Amanda Getzmeyer, Laura Gush, Sarah Haase, Steven Kandow, Cristen Ondersma, Colleen Radford, Lindsay Schwab, Cassie Seymour, Kaylie Steere, Samuel Stouffer, Joel Stracke, Peyton Towler, James Batcheller, and John Williamson.

Lambda Upsilon chapter installed at Savannah State University

The Lambda Upsilon chapter (#284) at Savannah State University was installed on November 5, 2006 with Past National President and Board of Trustees Member Ken Corbett serving as the installing officer. The Alpha Eta chapter at the University of Florida served as the advising chapter, and Past National President and Board of Trustees Member Scott Stowell served as the advising person. This was the eigth installation of the 2005-07 biennium.

Charter members of the Lambda Upsilon chapter include: Nicholas Arnett, Daniel Coleman, Andrew Faison, James Lawrence, Jonathan Lewis, and Derrick Snead.

Gamma Delta chapter re-installed at Wayne State College

The Gamma Delta chapter (#76) at Wayne State College was re-installed August 27, 2006 with Past National President and Chair of the Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees Dr. Michael Golemo serving as the installing officer. Gamma Delta was the sixth Kappa Kappa Psi chapter to be installed in the 2005-2007 Biennium.
Attending the Installation were members of Kappa Iota and Iota Omega, with Midwest District Secretary-Treasurer Nick Sondag representing the district council.

The Kappa Iota Chapter of the University of Nebraska at Omaha served as the advising chapter. Kevin Nelson and Dr. Michael Golemo served as Advising Persons for Gamma Delta.

The charter members of the Gamma Delta chapter include: Brenner Beavers, Scott Bogacz, Joshua Hughes, Chad Jensen, Rhea Landholm, Harley Mohlman, Krista Ohde, Erik Oliva, Brent Ramsey, Danielle Rayman, Carrie Renner, Morgan Warrick, Samantha Williams, Professor David Bohnert.