Zeta Omicron chapter installed at The University of Akron

The Zeta Omicron chapter (#159) at The University of Akron was installed May 27, 1973 with Grand Secretary/ Treasurer Donald Stanley serving as the installing officer. The Beta Kappa chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Zeta Omicron chapter include: David Allen; Robert Anders; Edward Arrington, II; Harry Bates; Eugene Bonos; David Branden; Bruce Burianek; Ray Claus; Gary Collier; Gregory Dobbins; Jim Blackburn; Stanley Foltz; John Givens; Thomas Hedington; Michael Higgins; Jeffrey Hurd; Kenneth LeeGrand; Leon Lipari; Thomas Mastersx; James Nabors, II; Richard Neidert; Kenneth Pond; Jeffrey Schenz; William Schneider; Frederick Shepperd; David Six; Thomas Stevenson; Karl Tittl; James Weyrick; and Dennis Geisinger.

Zeta Nu chapter installed at Southern University

The Zeta Nu chapter (#157) at Southern University was installed May 12, 1973 with Executive Secretary Robert Rubin serving as the installing officer. The Beta Gamma chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Zeta Nu chapter include: Lawrence Barnes, Nathaniel Brickens, Charles Chesterfield, Micheal Converson, Nathaniel Dyer, Ronald Franklin, Malcolm Hughes, Lawrence Jackson, Roy Johnson, Carnell Knighten, Maurice Manuel, Alton Morrison, Walter Perry, Clifton Riley, and Mazzaree Spruille.

Zeta Xi chapter installed at Tyler Junior College

The Zeta Xi chapter (#158) at Tyler Junior College was installed May 5, 1973 with National Member-at-Large Gordon Maroney serving as the installing officer. The Gamma Phi chapter performed the Ritual and installation. Charter members of the Zeta Xi chapter include: Glenn Austin, William Bjork, Charles Bloodworth, Gary Brueggerhoff, James Callaway, William Clark, James Deatherage, Burl Elliot, Donal Etheridge, Raines Miller, Ralph Moss, Bobby Overall, Chris Parker, Bill Penix, Stephen Ray, and Robert Schroeder.

Zeta Mu chapter installed at Kutztown State College

The Zeta Mu chapter (#156) at Kutztown State College was installed January 23, 1973 with Grand Secretary/ Treasurer Donald Stanley serving as the installing officer. The Epsilon Iota chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Zeta Mu chapter include: Rance Block; Michael Crowther; Francis Fraschetta; Richard Hill; John Hixson; Steven McCallicher; Kenneth Moyer; Gilbert Rock, Jr.; Wayne Rush; David Silbermann; Reid Lessig; Charles Scanzello; and Richard Wells.

Zeta Lambda chapter installed at Marshall University

The Zeta Lambda chapter (#155) at Marshall University was installed December 3, 1972 with the Omicron chapter performing the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Zeta Lambda chapter include: John Bane; Denvil Chandler, II; Richard Ewing; Donald Graziani; Michael Newman; Dickson Rothwell; and Wayne Spurlock.

Zeta Kappa chapter installed at East Texas State University

The Zeta Kappa chapter (#154) at East Texas State University was installed November 19, 1972 with Grand President Dr. Richard Worthington serving as the installing officer. The Beta Delta chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Zeta Kappa chapter include: Martin Burnett; Walter Drew; Claudius Higginbotham, Jr.; Ronald Hoes; Steve Sulak; Don Webb; F. Brooks Witten, III; and Larry Yeager.

Gamma Omega chapter re-installed at Texas Southern University

The Gamma Omega chapter (#96) at Texas Southern University was re-installed October 29, 1972 with William Moffitt serving as the installing officer. The Beta Sigma chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Gamma Omega chapter include: Newman Allen; Emile Barber; Robert Bates; Johnny Currin; Willie Dickey; Elmer Glover; Emerson Holliday; Vencent Hopson; Jerome Hurt; Samuel Jackson; Samuel Jones, Jr.; Richard Lee; Dale Long; Kenneth Motley; Harry Nelson, Jr.; Jerry Parker; David Robinson; Virgil Solomon; Sharone Stewart; Ivory Tatum; Bernard Thompson; Ronald Thornton; Henry Williams, III; Charles Wilson; and Benjamin Butler, II.

Title IX of the Education Amendments enacted by Congress

Title IX of the Education Amendments was enacted by Congress and signed into law by Richard Nixon. The sponsors of Title IX were Birch Bayh (Senate) and Edith Green (House of Representatives). Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in any educational program or activity receiving any type of federal financial aid.

Alpha Upsilon chapter re-installed at the University of Southern California

The Alpha Upsilon chapter (#44) at the University of Southern California was re-installed June 18, 1972 with Grand President Richard Worthington and director of the UCLA Marching Band F. Kelly James served as the installing officers. The Psi chapter from UCLA performed the Ritual and installation ceremonies. Charter members of the Alpha Upsilon chapter include: Gregory Clark, Roger Dhesi, Lester Dropkin, Kenneth Dye, Joel Harris, Scott Hayami, William Heining, Gregory Horn, William King, Gary Lasley, Kenneth Millage, Patrick Mott, Richard Nordin, Mark Penn, Eugene Pond, Steven Sherman, Dennis Spirgen, John Stankiewitz, and Robert Theemling.

Zeta Iota chapter installed at Lane College

The Zeta Iota chapter (#153) at Lane College was installed May 13, 1972 with District VIII Governor Richard Rodean serving as the installing officer. The Epsilon Chi chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Zeta Iota chapter include: William Elliott; Waymon Hamlett, Jr.; Byron Martin; Johnny McNealy; Eugene Murphy; Thedrit Parker; Howard Rambsy; William Russell; Dan Shaw, Jr.; Robert Turner; Samuel Bronough; Oliver Hewitt; Ronald Holmes; Kenneth Sampson; and Dr. Herman Stone, Jr.