The Alpha Upsilon chapter (#44) at the University of Southern California was installed April 11, 1942 Fraternity Founder and Grant 1st Vice President William A. Scroggs serving as the installing officer. Members of the Alpha chapter served as the Ritual team. Charter members of the Alpha Upsilon chapter include: Dyle Anderson; George Chivers; George Darby; Jacques Dreyfus; Robert Fulton, Jr.; Murray Grady; Harry Liston; Perry Krohn; John MacMullen; Jack Mazelli; Kendall Morse; William Murrish; William Silver; Charles Stortz; John Tropea; George Vaiana; George Whipple; Robert Swearinger; Eugene Soiseth; Carroll Cambern; Robert Fulton, Sr.; Robert Kaneon, Jr.; Claude McGuire; Walter Putman; Clifford Shaw; James Cox; Charles Crary; Charles Anderson; and Jacques Collins.