The Beta Delta chapter (#52) at Sam Houston State Teachers College was installed May 15, 1948 with Grand President Max Mitchell and Past National President & Life Member of the Board of Trustees Bohumil Makovsky serving as the installing officers. Charter members of the Beta Delta chapter include: Harry Harris, Jr.; Seymour Manry, Jr.; Alden Bailey; Edward Burt; Ernest Clark; George Conrey; Fred Ellis, Jr.; William Graham; Elmer Hargis; Luther Hansen; William Kramer; James McKee; Robert McMurrey, Jr.; Melvin Montgomery; Al Newman; John Rathke; Robert Renfroe; Charles Simpson; Joseph Shrivanek, Jr.; Harold Spencer; Thomas Williamson; Joe McMullen; John Dessian; Philip Baker; John Bankston; Charles Brown; Ray Dabney; Maurice Graves; Billy Jones; Tommy McGraw; Pete Niblitt; James Pennington; Eddie Reyna; Wilburn Stiles; and La Claire Williamson.