The Beta Gamma chapter (#51) at Louisiana State University was installed May 16, 1948 with Grand President Max Mitchell and Past National President & Life Member of the Board of Trustees Bohumil Makovsky serving as the installing officers. Members of the Alpha chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Beta Gamma chapter include: Carl Alexius; William Avera; Carl Balius; William Buckalew; Thomas Butcher; Esper Chandler; Norman Friedel; Lloyd Gregory; Tommy Hendricks; Stanley Hurstell; Horace Kebodeaux; David Kelly; William Lembeck; Edward Luck; Douglas Martine; Billy Masling; James Mays, Jr.; Merlyn Meyer; Omar Probst; Ronald St. Pierre; John Stewart; John Tardy; Robert Turnipseed; and Kenneth Walters.