Alpha Mu chapter re-installed at North Dakota Agricultural College

The Alpha Mu chapter (#36) at North Dakota Agricultural College was re-installed May 2, 1947. Charter members of the Alpha Mu chapter include: Cyril Christensen; John Engen; Karl Kerelik; B. Paul Kornberg; Ralph Steinhaus; Charles Wagner; Philip Brua; Harold Hanson; Stanley Peterson; Edward Schroepher; Paul Thonn, Jr.; and Leo Vossler.

Alpha Chi chapter installed at the College of Mines and Metallurgy of the University of Texas

The Alpha Chi chapter (#46) at the College of Mines and Metallurgy of the University of Texas was installed April 5, 1947 with Charles A. Wiley serving as the installing officer. The Ritual and installation team consisted of members of the Alpha and Alpha Omicron chapters. Charter members of the Alpha Chi chapter include: Arthur Graves; Robert Graves; Carlos Hickerson, Jr.; Malcolm McDonald; James Wadley; Samuel Middleton, Jr.; Charles McBride, Jr.; Orville Gower; Jack McGurk; and James Zimmerman.

14th Biennial Convention Held

The 14th Biennial Convention of Kappa Kappa Psi was held at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK. The following members were elected to the Grand Council & Board of Trustees and served until August 22, 1949:
Grand President: Dr. Max A. Mitchell (Alpha)
Grand 1st Vice President: W. Theodore Jones (Alpha Zeta)
Grand 2nd Vice President: Hugh E. McMillen (Alpha Iota)
Grand Secretary / Treasurer: Charles A. Wiley (Alpha Omicron / Gamma Zeta)
Board Of Trustees Chair: Bohumil Makovsky (Alpha)
Board Of Trustees Member: Francis R. Todd (Upsilon)
Board Of Trustees Member: D. O. Wiley (Alpha Omicron)
Board Of Trustees Member: F. Lee Bowling (Alpha Iota)

Alpha Theta chapter re-installed at Colorado State College

The Alpha Theta chapter (#32) at Colorado State College was re-installed April 16, 1946. Charter members of the Alpha Theta chapter include: Victor Fleischmann, Robert Foster, William Hedberg, Ralph Levy, Henry Lotspeich, Richard Matthews, Eugene Moeny, Kenneth Pace, Robert Patterson, Bruce Sanders, William Townsend, and Roger Wolfe.

Alpha Phi chapter installed at Rutgers University

The Alpha Phi chapter (#45) at Rutgers University was installed April 16, 1942 with Charter Member of the Fraternity Raymond Shannon serving as the installing officer. Charter members of the Alpha Phi chapter include: Franklin Johnson, William Abrams, Earle Berger, Daniel Casriel, Thomas Conte, John Creager, Lewis Dreyling, Helmut Gerber, L. Paul Kays, George Keller, Charles Krauss, Gerald Liebaskind, George Mills, Robert Sabin, John Schenone, Natham Shoehallir, Robert Taft, Wilbert Hitchner, Howard McKinney, and William Rapp.

Alpha Upsilon chapter installed at the University of Southern California

The Alpha Upsilon chapter (#44) at the University of Southern California was installed April 11, 1942 Fraternity Founder and Grant 1st Vice President William A. Scroggs serving as the installing officer. Members of the Alpha chapter served as the Ritual team. Charter members of the Alpha Upsilon chapter include: Dyle Anderson; George Chivers; George Darby; Jacques Dreyfus; Robert Fulton, Jr.; Murray Grady; Harry Liston; Perry Krohn; John MacMullen; Jack Mazelli; Kendall Morse; William Murrish; William Silver; Charles Stortz; John Tropea; George Vaiana; George Whipple; Robert Swearinger; Eugene Soiseth; Carroll Cambern; Robert Fulton, Sr.; Robert Kaneon, Jr.; Claude McGuire; Walter Putman; Clifford Shaw; James Cox; Charles Crary; Charles Anderson; and Jacques Collins.