Mu Phi chapter installed at Fullerton College

The Mu Phi chapter (#309) of Kappa Kappa Psi at Fullerton College in Fullerton, California was installed at 10:30 AM, October 3,2010 with Dr. Rod Chesnutt serving as installing officer. The Psi chapter served as the advising chapter and James Llamas was the colony advisor. Approximately 60 guests attended representing the Psi, Lambda Alpha, Iota Alpha, Epsilon Lambda, Gamma Kappa, Beta Omicron, Omega, Gamma chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Epsilon Kappa, Alpha Chi and Zeta XI chapters of Tau Beta Sigma. Charter members include: Sarah Navarrette, Manuel Gonzalez, Eduardo Agredano, Albert Mabeza, Ericka Cuevas, Austin Pauline, Niccee Bosdell, Marina Pueblos, Sho Fujieda, Steven Hanst, Jason Trimble, Paco Agredano, Michael Gonzalez, Jose Cruz, Cody Kleinhans, and Anthony Mazzaferro.

Kappa Zeta chapter re-installed at Wake Forest University

The Kappa Zeta chapter (#246) at Wake Forest University was re-installed May 2, 2010 with National Vice President for Colonization & Membership Adam Cantley serving as the installing officer. Ron Payne served as the colony’s advising person, and the Kappa Sigma chapter served as the advising chapter.

Charter members of the Kappa Zeta chapter include: Samantha Besaw, Christopher D’Auria, Rachel Dobson, Sara Gamble, Yodeline Guerrier, Kalyn Hamilton, Keshia Horn, Riley Johnston, Alexandra Koblan, Kristen Lambert, Allison Lyons, Troy McCarty, Benjamin McKaig, Alexander Metz, Amanda Nichols, Kimberly Phillips, Cameron Pineiro, Martin Shull, George Story, Anthony Tang, David Tucker, Kirsten Weegar, Maegan Wells, Caitlin Williams, Louis Wonnell, Leya Wood, Richard Sponholz, Julia Claiborn, Charles Bowen, Philip Morgan, Michael Russell, Teddy Holcomb, Samantha Hege, and Eric Marinoff.

Delta Kappa chapter re-installed at South Dakota State University

The Delta Kappa chapter (#106) at South Dakota State University was re-installed May 1, 2010 under the direction of Past National President Dr. Michael Golemo. The 3rd Degree of the ritual and initiation ceremony were held on the campus of the University of Nebraska – Omaha. In addition to serving as the installing officer, Dr. Golemo also served as the colony’s advising person. The Iota Omega chater from Iowa State University served as the advising chapter. This was the tenth installation of the 2009-11 biennium.

Charter members of the Delta Kappa chapter include: Nicholas Hayen, Jamie Beckman, Alex Bradley, Brett Kroeger, Alex Pfeifle, and Kyle Gertner.

Mu Upsilon chapter installed at Florida Gulf Coast University

The Mu Upsilon chapter (#308) was installed at Florida Gulf Coast University on May 1, 2010 with National Vice President for Programs Christine Beason serving as the installing officer. Past National President, and vice-chair of the Board of Trustees, Rod Chesnutt served as the advising person, and the Mu Beta chapter served as the advising chapter. Charter members of the Mu Upsilon chapter include: Anne Schons, Katie Wilson, Chelsey Norris, Britney Williams, Anthony Schons, Kevin Halprin, Candace-Beth Cohowcz, Francesca da Silva, Katie Feldman, Kaela Feliciano, Justin Goff, Stephanie Kumetz, and Madeline Tarantelli.

Mu Tau chapter installed at the University of Texas at San Antonio

The Mu Tau Chapter (#307) of Kappa Kappa Psi at the University of Texas at San Antonio was installed on Saturday, April 24, 2010 in the UTSA Recital Hall. National Executive Director Alan Bonner served as the installing officer. The Theta Alpha chapter served as the advising chapter and conducted the ritual for the new chapter.

Alumni and Active Brothers from Theta Alpha, Delta Sigma, Epsilon Kappa and Zeta Beta attended the installation ceremony.

Charter members of the Mu Tau chapter include: Trace Mondell, Candace Campbell, Celeste Castro, Reuben Garcia, Timothy Gonzalez, Daniel Herrera-Valero, Ivy Lopez, Justin Martinez, Cristina Moersen, Tommy Morgan, Ruben Orduno, James Quintero, Wade Rivet, Isaiah Valadez, Jonathan Wright, Ben Ware, Donald Miller, Robert Rustowicz, and R J Frego.

Mu Sigma chapter installed at Lincoln Univerity

The Mu Sigma chapter (#306) of Kappa Kappa Psi at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania was installed on April 3, 2010 on the Lincoln University campus. Northeast District Governor Marie Burleigh served as the installing officer. The Eta Rho Chapter at West Chester University served as the advising chapter and Marcus Wyche served as the advising person. This was the sixth installation of the 2009-11 biennium. Charter members of the Mu Sigma chapter include: Jameel Judge, Darren Mathews, Jamil Shakir, D’Angelo Cooper, Damien Reed, Maxy O’Connor, and Thomas Winston.

Mu Rho chapter installed at Benedict College

The Mu Rho Chapter (#305) at Benedict College was installed March 21, 2010 at 2:30 p.m. The Iota Zeta Chapter at NC A&T University served as the advising chapter. Past National President Kirk Randazzo served as the advising person and installing officer. The installation was attended by Brothers from Zeta Phi at Tuskegee University and Zeta Chi at the University of South Carolina. Charter members of the Mu Rho chapter include: Marquette Banks; Jonathan Burrell; Bryant Dixon; Du-Wan Floyd; Nicholas Footman; James Greene; Ernest Jones III; Jovon Milford; Seth Ross; Jaihorace Sweat; Herman Jones, Jr.; Bernard Fields II, and Ricardo Payton.

Rho chapter re-installed at Tulane University

The Rho chapter (#17) at Tulane University was reinstalled on the campus of Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, on Saturday, 20 February 2010. The Beta Gamma chapter (Louisiana State University) served as the advising chapter, and past SWD President Burt Daigle served as the advising person. Immediate Past National President Malinda Matney served as the installing officer for the fourth chapter installed in the 2009-2011 biennium.

The Installation Ceremony was attended by many guests including parents, faculty members, potential future Brothers and current Brothers from chapters including Beta Gamma (Louisiana State), Lambda Xi (Southeastern Louisiana), Theta Phi (Henderson State) and Iota Upsilon (McNeese State).

Charter members of the Rho chapter include: Robert Aguiluz, II; Kara Alspaugh; Andrew Antill; Bailey Burkhalter; Allison Feibus; Lindsey Kiefer; Catherine McPherson; Steven Mills; Danica Mock; Alicia Ochsner; Robert Pekara; James Poindexter; J. Martin Sosa; Courtney Turcotte; Matthew Houten; Catherine Wilcoxson; Mendel Lee; Mark Lighthiser; Nicolle Perez; Barry Spanier; and Eric Wilder.

Mu Pi chapter installed at the University of Oregon

The Mu Pi chapter (#304) at the University of Oregon was installed on Sunday, February 14, 2010 on the campus of the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon. The installation of the Mu Pi Chapter is the third chapter installation of the 2009-11 biennium. Board of Trustees Chair Michael Osborn served as the Installing Officer. The Iota Kappa (Boise State) Chapter served as the advising chapter and Dr. Chris Chapman served as the advising person.

The Installation Ceremony was attended by many guests including, parents, faculty members, potential future Brothers and current Brothers from chapters including, Theta (Oregon State) Gamma (University of Washington) and an alumni member from Iota Zeta (North Carolina A&T).

Charter members of the Mu Pi chapter include: Matthew Takimoto, Nick Sherman, Bret Emerson, Jordyn Lueker, Jeremiah Xiong, Chelsea Fujitani-Agasa, Joseph Scott, Kylée Bolton, Cameron Huntting, and Torsten Staley.

Mu Omicron chapter installed at George Mason University

The Mu Omicron (#303) chapter at George Mason University was installed on December 5, 2009 on the GMU campus. National Vice President for Colonization & Membership Adam Cantley served as the installing officer. The Omicron Chapter at West Virginia University served as the advising chapter and Joe Panzer from the Alpha Chapter served as the advising person. This installation was the second of the 2009-11 biennium.

Despite rough weather, the installation was attended by alumni and active brothers from Alpha, Omicron, Beta Delta, Beta Chi, Gamma Xi, Eta Omicron and Iota Delta. Also in attendance were Past National Vice President for Programs Deb Eakins and Current NED Vice President Natasha Catino. Special thanks to the NED Alumni Association for presenting the chapter their new KKPsi flag.

Charter members of the Mu Omicron chapter include: Bailey Awkard, Laura Haynes, Abby Byrom, Christina DeVera, Minette Fisher, Lauren Ridley, Katherine Kane, Kaitlyn Sakry, David Roth, and Michael Nickens.