Delta Alpha chapter installed at Langston University

The Delta Alpha chapter (#97) at Langston University was installed May 19, 1957 with Past National President Max Mitchell serving as the installing officer. The Alpha chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Delta Alpha chapter include: Maurice Crossland, Willie Baker, Melvin Doren, Orvil Gilyard, Maurice Jackson, Donald Long, Hosea Martin, Embert Moore, Robert Moore, Julian Northington, Donald Oliver, Herman Stewarts, Gerald Tilford, Clifford Wallace, Roy Williams, Paul Young, Charles Durden, Willard Maytubby, William Sims, H. Edison Anderson, James Ewery, and W. E. Perry.

Gamma Chi chapter installed at Mississippi Southern College

The Gamma Chi chapter (#94) at Mississippi Southern College was installed May 17, 1957 with L. Bruce Jones serving as the installing officer. The Beta Gamma chapter from LSU performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Gamma Chi chapter include: James Brewer; James Crawford; Robert Dowdy; Jerry Gee; Charles Harvison; Fred Hogue, II; Harry Hooker, Sr.; Homer Ivy; Emmett Jackson; Cecil Johnston; Lawrence Keating; Byron Lunceford; Marvin McDonald; James McIntyre; James Mullen, Jr.; Homer O’Neil; Bobby Patterson; Henry Pope; Brian Preen; Thomas Ricks, Jr.; William Ritchie; James Bradley; James Smith; Edward Stephens; John Walker; Robert Ware; Roger Weill; James Wellman; Herbert Wilson; and Raymond Mannoni.

Gamma Psi chapter installed at the College of William and Mary

The Gamma Psi chapter (#95) at the College of William and Mary was installed May 4, 1957 with District XI Governor W. Eldridge Lowe serving as the installing officer. The Beta Chi chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Gamma Psi chapter include: Richard Peake; Robert Bailey; Hugh Blackwell; James Dean, Jr.; Edward Gerry; Donald Gilmore; Wallace Hibbard; Mortimer Lockett; Tracy Russell; John Vogel; Charles Varner; and Joel Hurley.

Gamma Phi chapter installed at Stephen F. Austin State College

The Gamma Phi chapter (#93) at Stephen F. Austin State College was installed May 1, 1957 with Past National President Charles Wiley serving as the installing officer. The Gamma Zeta chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Gamma Phi chapter include: Lee Jones; Troy Lilly; Robert Berry; Tommy Chamness; Lowell Clark; Lex Grantham; James Hammett; Jasper Huff; Terry Johnson; Bruce Hughes; Clifford Lazarine; Bonnie Ross; Robert Soughern; Bobby Teel; Ross White, Jr.; Jack Van Wilbanks; and Jimmie Hudgins.

Gamma Tau chapter installed at Lycoming College

The Gamma Tau chapter (#91) at Lycoming College was installed April 6, 1957 with District Governor C. Kenneth Anderson serving as the installing officer. The Alpha Phi chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Gamma Tau chapter include: Charles Davis; Norman Yearick, Jr.; William Darrow; Max Ameigh; Gerald Benway; William Corson; A. Donald Hindmarch; John Hunsinger; Robert Johnson; C. David Kaley; Robert King; Paul Kitchen; Richard Merrell; Darrell Peckham; G. Lynn Poust; Robert Schenley; Robert Young; Theron Mairs; and William Maxson.

Gamma Sigma chapter installed at Texas Christian University

The Gamma Sigma chapter (#90) at Texas Christian University was installed February 9, 1957 with Grand President Donald I. Moore serving as the installing officer. The Beta Alpha chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Gamma Sigma chapter include: James Brezik; John Carson; Ruben Fechner, Jr.; Don Filgo; Frank Fox; John Giordano; Paul Gray; James Heath; Mack Hines, Jr.; Kenneth Lawrence; Roger Martin; James McDonough; William Morgan, Jr.; Robert Poer; John Suddath; Barry White; Jerre Williams; and James Jacobsen.

Gamma Omicron chapter installed at Otterbein College

The Gamma Omicron chapter (#87) at Otterbein College was installed January 31, 1956 with District VII Governor Jack Evans serving as the installing officer. The Eta chapter from The Ohio State University performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Gamma Omicron chapter include: Bruce Bryce; Robert Westrich; Kenneth Domer; Lewis Frees; Robert Henn; Theodore Howell, Jr.; John Lewis; Donald Metzler; William Mims, Jr.; Richard Myers; L. Lee Shackson; James Wagner; Darrell Warnerl; and Eugene Cole.

Gamma Rho chapter installed at New Mexico Highlands University

The Gamma Rho chapter (#89) at New Mexico Highlands University was installed June 1, 1956 with William E. Rhoades serving as the installing officer. The Gamma Iota chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Gamma Rho chapter include: Edward Lujan, LeRoy Newman, Cirpriano Gonzalez, Cip Sena, Donald Cochran, Emery Dzamka, David Hewatt, Lawrence Lucero, Virgil Reeder, Clarence Romero, Robert Romero, Nabor Torres, Champ Tyrone, and Robert Meadows.

Gamma Pi chapter installed at Purdue University

The Gamma Pi chapter (#88) at Purdue University was installed March 18, 1956 with Past National President W. Theodore Jones serving as the installing officer. The Alpha Zeta chapter performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members of the Gamma Pi chapter include: Kenneth Parrish, Herbert Greiner, James Weaver, Robert Stone, Maynard Johnson, Raymond Davis, Robert Fleming, Robert Fulwider, Richard Hendrickson, Jim Moser, Robert Race, Fredrick Schultz, John Schumm, Robert Servies, J. M. Shively, Richard Wachowiak, M. Thomas Zeller, Al Wright, Robert McEmber, Ferde Grofe, Paul LaValle, and Harold Walters.

18th Biennial Convention Held

The 18th Biennial Convention of Kappa Kappa Psi was held at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. The following members were elected to the Grand Council & Board of Trustees and served until August 24, 1957:
Grand President: Donald I. Moore (Beta Alpha)
Grand 1st Vice President: Ronald D. Gregory (Eta / Beta Theta)
Grand 2nd Vice President: Manley R. Whitcomb (Eta/ Gamma Nu)
Grand Secretary / Treasurer: Floren C. Thompson (Beta Lambda)
Board Of Trustees Chair: J. Lee Burke (Eta)
Board Of Trustees Member: John E. Howard (Mu)
Board Of Trustees Member: Hugh E. McMillen (Alpha Iota)